내일배움캠프 26일차 TIL - OpenWeather API로 날씨 찍어보기Unity/오늘 알아낸 것 2023. 9. 2. 21:52
Сurrent weather and forecast - OpenWeatherMap
Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. how to obtain APIs (subscriptions w
심심해서 날씨 한번 찍어보는거 만들어봤다 사용자 위치를 알아내는건 다른 API를 써야해서
일단 부산으로 하드코딩 해놨다
OpenWeather 웹사이트에 들어간후 회원가입을 하면 API Key를 발급 받을수있다
[System.Serializable] public class OWM_Coord { public float lon; public float lat; } [System.Serializable] public class OWM_Weather { public int id; public string main; public string description; public string icon; } [System.Serializable] public class OWM_Main { public int temp; public float feels_like; public int temp_min; public int temp_max; public int pressure; public int humidity; } [System.Serializable] public class OWM_Wind { public float speed; public int deg; } [System.Serializable] public class OWM_Clouds { public int all; } [System.Serializable] public class OWM_Sys { public int type; public int id; public string country; public int sunrise; public int sunset; } [System.Serializable] public class WeatherData { public OWM_Coord coord; public OWM_Weather[] weather; public string basem; public OWM_Main main; public int visibility; public OWM_Wind wind; public OWM_Clouds clouds; public int dt; public OWM_Sys sys; public int timezone; public int id; public string name; public int cod; }
키를 발급 받고 아래 클래스를 작성한다
using UnityEngine; using TMPro; using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks; public class Weather : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] Sprite[] WeatherIcons; [SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI UserLocation; [SerializeField] ImageWithText[] Components; string GetKorCityName(string _engStr) { if (_engStr == "Seoul") { return "서울"; } else if (_engStr == "Busan") { return "부산"; } else { return "Unknown location"; } } int GetWeatherNumber(string _engWeatherName) { if(_engWeatherName == "Clear") { return 0; } else if (_engWeatherName == "Clouds") { return 1; } else if(_engWeatherName == "Rain") { return 2; } else { return 0; } } string GetWeatherKorName(string _engWeatherName) { if (_engWeatherName == "Clear") { return "맑음"; } else if (_engWeatherName == "Clouds") { return "흐림"; } else if (_engWeatherName == "Rain") { return "비"; } else { return _engWeatherName; } } private async void OnEnable() { UserLocation.text = "현재 위치 : " + GetKorCityName(Define.USER_LOCATION); Core.Instance.Weather.SetWeather(Define.USER_LOCATION); await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => Core.Instance.Weather.WeatherReady == true); Components[0].Set (WeatherIcons[GetWeatherNumber(Core.Instance.Weather.weatherInfo.weather[0].main)], GetWeatherKorName(Core.Instance.Weather.weatherInfo.weather[0].main)); Components[1].Set("<size=60>현재 온도</size>\n" + Core.Instance.Weather.weatherInfo.main.temp +"도"); Components[2].Set("<size=60>강수 확률</size>\n" + Core.Instance.Weather.weatherInfo.clouds.all +"%"); } }
해당 클래스를 사용하여 아래 비동기로 불러오면 된다
코드 더 간단하게 작성하기 위해 Unitask 라이브러리를 사용하였다
GitHub - Cysharp/UniTask: Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity.
Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity. - GitHub - Cysharp/UniTask: Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity.
대충 받아서 UI로 찍으면 이렇게 나온다 현재 비 오는중....
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